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Group Mentoring

Are you looking for a truly transformative journey? The Inner Circle, a comprehensive program featuring course material and weekly meetings designed to guide you through a profound exploration of healing and empowerment.


Courses & Books

The Book "Choice" - Ebook by Gil Hodges

Choice: The Most Powerful Thing in the Universe... Next to God by Gil Hodges 

Unlock Your Spiritual and Personal Transformation. Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey that has the...


Choice Audio Book

Choice: The Most Powerful Thing in the Universe... Next to God by Gil Hodges 

Get the Choice Audio book with meditations for each Chapter at only $19.95

Narrated by: Gil Hodges
Length: 5 hrs and 42 mins


Living For Ultimate Impact - Ebook by Gil Hodges

Download the Ebook Living for Ultimate Impact and explore the tools that helped Gil Hodges overcome depression!
It's a compelling guide that challenges you to reconsider the essence of existence ...


The Ultimate Impact Course - Series 1

Foundations of Engagement

Embark on a transformative journey with The First series of 4 Ultimate Impact Courses by Gil and Adena Hodges. Discover over 45 videos of unique and foundationally designed lessons to deepen your intimacy with God and unlock a profound understanding of your spiritual identity and purpose ...

$595 $197

The Entire Ultimate Impact Course - Series 1 -4

Discover the entire 140+ videos and lessons of the Ultimate Impact Series by Gil and Adena Hodges, designed to transform your thinking and some of your foundational belief systems to empower you and set you FREE from the bondage of old fear based systems.

$2,332 $699

Set Free from 40 Years of Depression

Set Free From 40 Years of Depression is an encouraging and enlightening journey with Gil Hodges, offering a blend of personal experience, spiritual insight, and practical tools to guide you from despair to joy and self-discovery

$129 $49


Gil L. Hodges is a passionate author and minister. His life's mission revolves around empowering individuals to embrace their unique kingdom destiny and to experience the profound beauty of a heavenly encounter. With a heart dedicated to guiding others along their spiritual journey, Gil has become a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment. through his work and profound teachings.